Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Giving Tuesday Event


November 30, 2021

Project Linus: A Season of Giving Event!

With the holidays approaching, we are reminded that there are thousands of children across the country who are going through difficult circumstances: children in need of comfort. Project Linus provides handmade blankets as gifts to children who are ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need. They may be suffering from illness, a family crisis, homelessness, abuse, or have lost everything in a natural disaster. We need your help to continue our mission. On Dec 24, 2021, Project Linus will celebrate 26 years of providing comfort and security to over 8 million children. Please help us to continue for 26 more years. We invite you to go to www.projectlinus.org and make a “Season of Giving” donation! If you wish you can designate your local chapter. ( NWPA Project Linus)
A donation of $15 will make a single layer fleece blanket.
A donation of $25 will purchase 2 pkgs of baby blanket batting
A donation of $35 will purchase yarn for an Afghan.
A donation of $40 will purchase fabric for a quilt top.
A donation of $50 will pay to send a box of blankets to children impacted by a natural disaster.
A donation of $100 provide up to 6 children with a blanket.
A donation of $150 will purchase a large roll of batting (the middle of quilts)
Thanks to our volunteers who work so hard to make these blankets!
Thank you for your donation.

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