Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Project Linus Summer News

Hope everyone is having a great summer so far and are staying cool.

Here is a list of upcoming events: We are desperate for help manning these events. PLEASE if you can come even for an hour or so, so we can take a lunch or potty break, I would very much appreciate it.

This one just came up and we will need at least 6 people for this event

SUNDAY July 18

Hamot NICU 2010 Reunion

Rainbow Gardens in Erie

Event: noon to 4pm

Set up time apx 11am

Activity: “Kids Helping Kids” Tracing handprints onto quilt blocks.

Wednesday July 28

Erie Zoo-Grandparents Day

Event: 10am-2pm

Set up: 9:15ish

Activity: The regular Kids helping Kids coloring blocks

Friday/Saturday/Sunday August 20th, 21st & 22nd

Celebrate Erie-Kids Zone

Event 1pm-8pm Fri & Sat 7pm Sun

Set up: Fri-noon

Activity: “Kids Helping Kids”

Please let me or JoAnn know what event and times are best for you.

Thank you,

Tena- nwpa@projectlinus.org

JoAnn- jlbmrb013@aol.com

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

An Invitation To You


May 15th Blanketeer Appreciation Day Get Together
Come join the fun! We will have hourly drawings, demonstrations and lots of free stuff along with refreshments.

When: Saturday May 15, 2010
Where: Yaples Sewing Center, Erie (26th St & Liberty St)
Time: 10am to 2pm
Upstairs classroom


April 12th – Monday - We have a special speaker

Emily Hirsch, RNC, BSN Unit Manager, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit from Hamot Hospital. Emily will be speaking about the NICU and how our blankets are used with the infants and about the new infant hospital that they are opening in 2011

When: Monday April 12, 2010

Where: Yaples Sewing Center, Erie (26th St & Liberty St)

Time: 9am to noon

Upstairs classroom

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Monthly Meeting Notice

Monday 3-8-2010
Where: Yaple's Sewing Center
26th St & Liberty St
Erie, PA

Time: 9am to 12 noon
Upstairs classroom

Everyone welcome!
We sew on the "LINUS" labels, prepare blankets for delivery, go through donated material and yarn, plan upcoming events, chat and have a good time.

For more information, call Tena 814-756-5662 or email nwpa@projectlinus.org
I added more pictures today so check out the Disney Picture page.
The Disney Give A Day Get A Day program is wrapping up. They are no longer allowing new sign ups. I hope those who participated had a wonderful time and will consider making blankets for us in the future.

Monday, March 1, 2010


OK it's been a year since I posted. Time to change that!

1. As of 1-1-10 NWPA Project Linus has been involved with the Disney Give A Day Get A Day program. We have received close to 1,000 blankets so far.

Our opportunity on the disneyparks.com site is:
Make a Blanket for a sick or needy child
We don't know how long Disney will be doing this, they are giving away 1,000,000 one day passes for doing a volunteer service.

Ours is: Make a handmade blanket (crocheted, knitted, quilted or no-sew fleece) to recieve one pass/voucher from Disney. You must be 6 years old or older to participate. All rules are on the disneyparks.com site.

2. We did a one time event on the Disney site for the single layer fleece blankets for Haiti.
We collected 50 blankets for this event and mailed them to KS to be sent to Haiti along with blankets from other chapters.

I am posting photos of families, groups, friends, clubs, schools, etc., who have provided them for this Disney Event. I will not be posting names.

We are very thankful to everyone who participated .

As I receive general thank you notes from people I will post them on the thank you note link on the top right hand side of this page.
Thank you notes addressed to NWPA Project Linus with a blanketeers name will be forwarded to that blanket maker if I have the address to do so.