Friday, August 28, 2020

September 2020 Newsletter


 September 2020


Good Morning Blanketeers,


 Once again, a tremendous thank you to all of you that made this year’s Erie Give’s fundraiser such a wonderful success. $ 1,707.18 was raised by our community for NWPA Project Linus. When we say that it “Takes a Village”, no truer words were spoken. We can’t do what we do without you !!!





**Join NWPA Project Linus for our Drive By “ Sew In” at my house at 1446 Patterson Ave.  on Wednesday September 16th from 10:00-2:00.  This year we are unable to have our annual Fall Sew IN at Hampton Inn due to COVID -19.  There will be yarn, fleece and pre- cut kits of several patterns for making Project Linus blankets.

We hope that you will stop by and pick up some kits. For your safety and ours MASKS will be required.



·       There is plenty of street parking and my home is one floor. Looking forward to seeing many of our wonderful “Blanketeers”.



Monthly Meetings:   2nd  -  Millcreek Sewing Center “ Sew In” 6044 Peach Street -No                                                                                           Monthly Meeting 1:00-4:00

14th- Coordinator’s Home   1446 Patterson Ave.          No monthly meeting  9:00-11:00 

 17th  Doug Yaple Vacuum Center– 1815 E. 38th Stree    NO monthly meeting 10:00-2:0


Odds & Ends:

-We are still in need of all sizes and types Boy blankets.



When making a Fleece tied blanket- First, trim the 2 selvage ends before you cut the 4 corners out and start making the strip cuts to tie.

Looking Ahead:

 September 16th        Drive By “ Sew In”  10:00- 2:00

February 20th, 2021      National Make a Blanket Day

August 10th, 2021         Erie Gives Day

 Follow us on Facebook for updates and changes as well. You can find us at:

·       NWPA Project Linus -    Like us -and that automatically will add you to our friend list.

· is our web page


JoAnn Burkhart

NWPA Project Linus Coordinator

1-814-392-5583 (C)


NWPA Project Linus    FaceBook    

Monday, August 10, 2020

Erie Gives Reminder

 Erie Gives reminder

Just 1 more day until NWPA Project Linus will be apart of Erie Gives 2020. Starting at 8:00 on Tuesday August 11 th until 8:00 pm you can go online and donate. This is social distancing at its best. Right from your computer, I Pad, Tablet or phone you can make a donation that will help our organization with funds for blanket making supplies. Even during these trying times we have been able to deliver over 400 blankets to 17 Agencies. We always say that it takes a Village. Please keep us in mind on a Tuesday. Thank you !!