Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Blankets For Hurricane Harvey for now.....

Dear Blanketeers,

I have copied a portion of a letter that was sent to me from Project Linus National Headquarters regarding the need for blankets and where they are going. Your help is greatly appreciated. But always remember that our Chapter will not be left without, by us helping others in need !! 

I have fleece, material and batting, if anyone would like to contact me for supplies. I would like to be able to send 50 blankets. We do have some here, but will need more. Also, if possible I would like to send them out by the 25th or 26th of this month. 
Again, your help with this project is so very much appreciated.

5000 blankets

Hi Everyone,
Thank you for your patience and your support as we prepare to send blankets for the current disaster relief needs in Houston as well as those potentially needed in Florida. We try our very best to partner with relief agencies where we know our blankets will go directly to children in need.  We are fortunate to have partnered with Missouri Star Quilt Company to help with their efforts to bring comfort to those suffering during this time. 

PLEASE NOTE:  Blankets will only be accepted through the end of September so this needs to happen quickly, although that NEVER seems to be a problem for Project Linus!  :-)  

Here's the plan:
1.  Our initial goal is to send 5000 blankets.  Please encourage your blanketeers to send blankets that are cheerful, well made and something we would want our children and grandchildren to receive.  

2.  Preferred size is 40" x 50-60".  Larger blankets are also acceptable.  Fleece and quilts, soft/light-weight crocheted and soft/light-weight knitted are welcome.  If you are sending baby-sized blankets, minimum size is 36" square in baby-friendly colors.  

3. Postage: National does not reimburse postage for mailing blankets in a disaster situation. So, if anyone would like to help offset the cost of mailing, your help is greatly appreciated. 

Blankets can be taken to our normal drop off locations. If there are any questions, please contact me.


JoAnn Burkhart

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