Tuesday, March 31, 2015

April 2015 Newsletter

April, 2015

Welcome Spring Blanketeers,  
The snow and the cold seem to be lingering this year. But on the plus side, an awful lot of beautiful blankets, quilts and knitted or crocheted afghans and fleece blankets have been donated by our wonderful Blanketeers. So I guess a cold and long winter can be a good thing.

April 18th
Please join NWPA Project Linus on Saturday April 18th for our Annual “ Appreciation Day” @ Yaple’s Vacuum & Sewing 801 W.26th Street, Erie, PA  Time: 10:00-2:00. There will be refreshments, drawings on the half hour, material ,yarn and patterns for you to choose from to perhaps finish or start a new blanket for a child in need. Also a time to meet other Blanketeers and share your ideas.

Mercyhurst University’s Alpha Beta Pi Chapter of the International KDP Education Honor Society and the Student Activity Council:
Held their first ever Zumba-thon on March 21st in the Rec Center @ Mercyhurst University, about 70 students moved to the music, with directions from Lacey Tanner and Kristen Lorei. The girls raised $300.00 on that afternoon. Way to go girls !!!!

-        A Blanketeer has requested if anyone has some of those older panels with characters on them and are not using them, or sees them during the Garage Sale Season to get them and contact me. We can make arrangements for pick up and reimbursement.
-        UPMC Hamot NICU has an ongoing need of gently used receiving blankets- store bought, that they use to support the tiny heads of the infants in their carriers. They can be dropped off at all of our local drop off locations.

-        When you complete you blanket, please check to make sure that there are no pins left behind.
-        In making a fleece blanket- cut the 2 salvage sides of the material before you start to cut your strips for tying or before you use your skip stitch blade and crochet around the fleece.

-        In the upcoming months our calendar is a bit full of fun activities, if you are interested in helping with any of these events, please let me know.
With all of the fun events that are coming up, many of you Blanketeers have responded to my request of assistance in cutting the several bolts of muslin needed to be prepared for those events. Still more help is needed and as I have the muslin ready, I will let you ladies know. Thank you so very much.

In the event of severe weather please go to our blogspot and face book page listed below to see if our meeting may be cancelled. That way we are not interfering with the Quilt Shoppes daily business by calling them.

Monthly meetings:
April 1st  -    Millcreek Sewing Center               6044 Peach Street      1:00pm- 4:00pm  
April 13th -   Yaple’s Vacuum & Sewing          801 W. 26th Street       9:00am-11:00am,
Looking Ahead:

April 18th –                Appreciation Day- Yaple’s Vacuum & Sewing    10:00-2:00
May 2nd-                    “ Sew In Day” @ Hampton Inn                              10:00-4:00
May 8th-                     Art Day @ Our Lady Of Peace School
July 29th-                    Senior Day @ the Erie Zoo
August 11th-              Erie Gives
August 14th-16th-      Celebrate Erie

 This year I will try to get information out via Facebook as well. You can find us at:
·       NWPA Project Linus -    Like us -and that automatically will add you to our friend list.
·       www.nwpaprojectlinus.blogspot.com- is our web page

JoAnn Burkhart
NWPA Project Linus – Coordinator


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