Monday, October 30, 2023

November Newsletter


November 2023


Hello Blanketeers,


Happy Thanksgiving to all of you !!!!


We are very “ Thankful” for all of our truly generous Blanketeers for their generosity and continued support as well as the many quilt shops, stores and individuals that take in blankets for our organizations. When we say that it takes a “ Village”, we really mean it. Your support allows our organization to deliver between 200-300 new handmade blankets a month.





- If there are any groups that are interested in making fleece blankets as a Service project, please contact me so that I can email you directions for single layer fleece blankets.




Odds and Ends

·       If you have pets in your home, please check your blankets before you donate them for animal fur. Due to children’s allergies, we ask that you launder them with unscented detergent and fabric softeners. This is greatly appreciated.

·       We are still need of baby size blankets at this time.



Monthly meetings


November 16th      -       Doug Yaple Vacuum             1815 E. 38th Street         CANCELLED


Looking Ahead:


February 17th, 2024-  National Make a Blanket Day

August 13th, 2024        Erie Gives


 Follow us on Facebook for updates as well. You can find us at:


·       NWPA Project Linus -    Like us -and that automatically will add you to our friend list.

· is our web page



JoAnn Burkhart

NWPA Project Linus Coordinator