Tuesday, October 27, 2015

November 2015 Newsletter

Hello Blanketeers,

Thanksgiving is heading our way so very quickly as it seems to every year. Summer was just a few weeks ago, and here we have already had our first snow of the season.

 NWPA Project Linus is grateful for all of our Blanketeers that have helped to make our organization be what it is today. Without your continued support we would never be able to meet the needs of the children in need in our Community. From the tiniest of babies to the big and tall teens, please know that the blankets whether they are knitted, crocheted, quilted, of fleece tied are helping bring comfort.

 -Due to a recent influx of larger size blankets our need at this time is the small and baby sizes – 36 X 36.    36 X 40, 40 X 60.
As always, we need all sizes all of the times, but if you are inclined to make the baby or smaller blankets, we would appreciate it.

- We are still asking for gently used receiving blankets. These blankets are used in Car seats for NICU babies. Please contact me if you might have any that you no longer have a use for.

REMINDERS:   We cannot accept blankets with religious themes on them. (  National Policy)

Monthly meetings

November  4th         -       Millcreek Sewing                   6044 Peach Street         1:00pm- 4:00 pm
November 9th    -           Yaple’s Vacuum & Sewing    801 W. 26th Street           9:00 am-11:00 am
November 18th    -         Secret Squirrel                      3025 French Street         10:00 am- 2:00 pm * NEW*

Looking Ahead:

February 20th, 2016-  National Make a Blanket Day

 This year I will try to get information out via Facebook as well. You can find us at:

·       NWPA Project Linus -    Like us -and that automatically will add you to our friend list.
·       www.nwpaprojectlinus.blogspot.com- is our web page


JoAnn Burkhart
NWPA Project Linus Coordinator

NWPA Project Linus    FaceBook